Friday, November 6, 2009

Tom Wheelwright

The difference between wealthy and rich is very simple. It's knowledge. Wealthy people know how to make money. Rich people only have money. Once you know how to make money, you can build sustainable wealth. The money never stops coming. If you have a reversal of fortune, it's not a big deal. You just make it back.

Wealthy or Rich
Ezine Articles

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Michael Moore

The capitalism … is set up like a pyramid, so that the richest 1% at the top have more financial wealth than the 95% beneath them.
But the trick here is to get the 95% believing that if they work hard and slave away, they would get to the top of the pyramid. Of course, as we know, only a few people can stand on top of a pyramid.

Fortune Magazine
September 23, 2009
Michael Moore: ‘Capitalism is anti-Jesus’

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anne Holland

"A business principle God has taught me is if you ask Him to lead you in serving Him with your business, job or career, you'll be successful beyond your wildest dreams. But to do this, you must devote your captial, your profits, your resources and your time to a cause that has been given to you by God. Then look out, because God will help you so you can devote even more of your capital, profit, and time to His purposes."

Tomado de:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Secretos para el Éxito

"Señor Jesús, quiero conocerte personalmente. Gracias por morir en la cruz por mis pecados. Abro la puerta de mi corazón y te recibo como mi Señor y Salvador. Gracias por perdonar mis pecados y darme vida eterna. Toma el control de mi vida. Hazme la persona que quieres que sea. Amén."

Tomado de:
Julio 21 de 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

"The MIND is a process that regulates the flow of energy and information"

Presentación "Mindsight" en "Google Tech Talks"
Abril 22 de 2009